Saturday, July 25, 2015

The password supplied with the username Domain\UserName was not correct. Verify that it was entered correctly and try again

When you create New web application in SP2013 & you got the following error:-

Sorry, something went wrong:- The password supplied with the username Domain\UserName was not correct. Verify that it was entered coorectly & try again.

You can login in central admin with same username & password but you will prompt for new web application or existing web application.

For that, existing application check IIS & set username & password again in Application Pool of web application--> Advance settings.

If still the problem persist try the following command in powershell:-

stsadm -o updatefarmcredentials -userlogin Domain\UserName -password YourPassword

The above problem occur when farm account password is expire and it's password is changed or simply farm account password is changed.

Hope, this will help.. :-)